That sentence reverberated round the nation as many Nigerians bought into the project of a Goodluck Jonathan presidency saying it represents a “breath of fresh air”.
Not many people know the details of the president’s teenage years. But, as fate would have it, a woman in whose boys’ quarters Jonathan lived with his uncle, has revealed some personal details about the president.
It is said that President Jonathan once lived in Oguta before the war, where he attended St. Paul’s Anglican Church Primary School and was nicknamed‘’Aguduma” by his peers in primary school which means “Handsome Goodluck.”.
The woman, who spoke to the Daily Sun in Imo state, revealed very personal details about the president’s growing years.
7 Facts About GEJ’s Teenage Years
1. He was nicknamed ‘Aguduma”
2. He was always ill-treated by his uncle, who never bought him school books, sandals or other things he needed for school.
3.He was always the last, among the pupils who lived in the compound, to go to school daily because of house chores he must complete every morning.
4. He refused to accept unsolicited gifts from people.
5. He engaged himself in menial jobs to survive.
6. He was abandoned in the village by his uncle
7. He fell from a tree while trying to pluck mango
Read more on Daily Sun
Meanwhile, Ghana has pulled down the billboards of the All Progressive Congress (APC) presidential candidate, General Muhammadu Buhari and the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) candidate, incumbent President Goodluck Jonathan in Ghana’s capital, Accra.
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